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About Us

Founded in 1973, the company Rangast & Co had a difficult start. Primarily based on racial prejudices, the company's products were resold at low prices on the black market. It wasn't until 1989, after the publication in a glamour magazine of a photo of the Elven ambassador holding a vial of Classic Elenfaloth Essential, that the company experienced exponential growth.Proud of its work, Rangast & Co has managed to stand out from its competitors, thanks to its judicious exploitation of Elenfaloth and also its collaboration with the Dragons.

About Sir Rangast

CEO of the company since he was 256 years old, Sir Rangast of Aransans filed his first patent in his adolescence and opened his first business before some mischievous Elf stole his work.


Furious but desiring to prove to the world that Goblins are not only bloodthirsty creatures of combat, Rangast decided to found his prestigious company: Rangast & Co.


Accompanied by his closest friends, they made the decision to abandon their preconceived ideas and opted to steer the company towards catering to the desires of all types of creatures.


Leveraging their knowledge on the subject, in less than 25 years, the company was recognized worldwide for its innovative and whimsical products, appealing to humans, trolls, and even elves.


About Elenfaloth

Drawing upon our expertise in Elenfaloth, we are eager to share our passion in ways beyond potions. Discover our story, as deep and intense as it is full of twists and turns

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